Work experience
2020-2023 → Masters Degree in Software and Information Systems at Efrei Paris
Speciality in Software Engineering. These 3 years were for me the occasion for me to reinforce both my practical and theoritical knowledge in development, but also in different fields of IT such as networking, maths, big data, AI, etc. In addition, I could reinforce my communication and soft-skills through dedicated modules, including: Communication, Argumentation, Project management, and even Psychology. Technically I could go beyond my previous knowledge and also it gave me the approach to discover new technologies by myself. Nowadays, I know that I have acquired a solid basis, coming from state-of-the-art practices, such as TDD and DevOps ones.
2018-2020 → Bachelor's Degree equivalent in Computer Science at IUT Paris Descartes
These 2 years of formation were my first true introduction to coding, and IT in general. We also had courses about accountability, project management and organization. Moreover, it was the first real time I was facing algorithms, data structures, programming languages and OOP with some web development too. Maths modules also had their importance with graphs and linear algebra for instance. In terms of tools I also discovered Git and Linux, and SQL. The amount of knowledge I acquired during these 2 years was huge, and I am very grateful for that.
2017-2018 → Scientific Baccalaureate at Lycée André Boulloche
This first diploma opened me the door to my future studies while giving me a scientific methodology through maths, biology, physics and chemistry.